
Tridentity has defined and in some cases already started these R&D projects:

  • QISS
    Quality Internet Session System: a suite of protocols and algorithms to guarantee to bandwidth and quality of Internet traffic sessions
  • TWT
    Tridentity Web Trust: a suite of security and certification systems for securing websites
  • TriMonitor
    Monitor software on new ultra-reliable hardware platform
  • TriDocument
    Trilogy of 3 related Apps: TriNote, TriChat, TriDocument
  • TaaS
    Time-as-a-Service: a managed, local-installed time-source appliance, which is an ultra-reliable "reference clock computer system" with Radio/GPS-based and/or Glassfiber-based time synchronisation, intended as primary (startum-0 or stratum-1) NTP or PTP server local in your datacenter or network.
  • ZTNS
    Zero-Trust Network Services:

Tridentity heeft op dit moment deze projecten gedefinieerd:

  • QISS
    Quality Internet Session System: suite of protocols and algorithms to guarantee to bandwidth and quality of Internet traffic sessions
  • TWT
    Tridentity Web Trust: suite of security and certification systems for securing websites
  • TriMonitor
    Monitor software on new ultra-reliable hardware platform
  • TriDocument
    Drieluik van 3 gerelateerde Apps: TriNote, TriChat, TriDocument
  • TaaS
  • ZTNS
    Zero-Trust Network Services: